Gardening Detail


Our goal is to use this blog to help you have fun and enjoy the backyard gardening hobby. We will be posting  articles on raised bed gardening, container gardening, balcony gardening and how a deck garden can add to your enjoyment.

Growing Catnip Indoors

Growing Catnip Indoors

Your only mission in life as a cat owner (at least as per your cats!) is to indulge them non-stop, every day. Growing Catnip Indoors

Indoor Hanging Herb Garden

Indoor Hanging Herb Garden

 With Indoor Hanging Herb Garden, you may enjoy all of your favorite herbs all season long. These are not only simple to cultivate and diverse,

Organic Gardening

Organic Gardening…..Is it for me?

   Organic gardening may not be for everyone, let’s consider why. The philosophy behind organic gardening is trying to raise vegetables with the least amount